Our scripture today is 1 Peter 1:10-16.
This salvation was something even the prophets wanted to know more about when they prophesied about this gracious salvation prepared for you. They wondered what time or situation the Spirit of Christ within them was talking about when he told them in advance about Christ’s suffering and his great glory afterward. They were told that their messages were not for themselves, but for you. And now this Good News has been announced to you by those who preached in the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen. So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy. “
Peter gives important teaching about the Good News and our responsibility to God and each other. He tells us to “prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control” (v. 13). It is our turn to share God’s love with the world.
We have been called to continue the ministry Jesus brought, telling everyone about His sacrifice for us that we might be reconnected with our Heavenly Father. Peter warns that we must not slip back into our old ways; that we didn’t know any better then (v. 14). Now that our minds have been opened to the truth of Christ, we are aware of our wrong behavior and must live new lives in Him.
Jesus will be revealed to the world in God’s time, and we shall see Him as He is. We must do all we can to be ready, including spreading the Gospel at every opportunity. We have a commission from Christ to make disciples of all nations and be ready to stand with Him on the last day.
Loving Lord, thank You for faithful witnesses who have passed Your word to succeeding generations. Help us to fulfill our call today, sharing Your love with all our brothers and sisters. Amen.