Our scripture this week is Luke 18:9-14.
How do we humble ourselves before God and pray earnestly? Jesus shares a parable to show us. As with all His parables, Jesus uses characters and situations with which His followers are familiar. In this way, they can see themselves as part of the story.
When you read this scripture, with whom do you identify? Very few of us want to say the Pharisee, but are we honest with ourselves? We are sometimes guilty of saying “I’m mighty proud to be humble!”, which is exactly what Jesus was warning us about in this passage.
True humility is self-emptying, giving for others and claiming nothing but the cross for ourselves. If we want to follow the example Jesus set for us, this is the only way. He never told us it would be easy, but He promised He would be with us always.
Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lift me from the evil I have done, forgive my wrongdoing and make me a servant of Your kingdom. Amen.