And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:27
Of all the statements in this week’s lesson (Luke 14:25-33), this may be the most important. Jesus tells us that there is no part-time discipleship, no half-hearted commitment. If we want to be His disciples we have have to go all in, and our acceptance of His cross and our own is the key.
Jesus wants us to know what we are being called to do. He has modeled a life of caring for people and sharing God’s love as an example to us. In obedience to God’s will, He suffered shame and death for us. He tells us that we may be asked to endure trials for the sake of God’s kingdom as well.
Are we ready? Are we willing? We do not know what difficulty may await us as we take up our cross and follow Him, but we can be certain whatever we face and wherever we are sent, Jesus is already there to walk with us.
Loving Lord, we often struggle to follow Your example, allowing our emotions and our self-love to keep us from being true disciples. Help us to be strong in Your love and confident in our faith that we may be the followers You call us to be. Amen.