Our scripture this morning is Matthew 5:9 (NLT).
God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
Jesus came to bring us each a peace that passes all understanding. However, He left us the task of sharing that peace with each other. Jesus wants us all to be peacemakers, finding ways to use what He taught and the gifts we have been given to help bring God’s kingdom to earth.
Jesus the Master is also a master teacher. He told us of God’s love, showed us how we are to share it with the world, and then sent us out to do what He taught us. When we encounter earthly obstacles we can rely on His love and care to sustain us.
Someone once called Christianity “the best pyramid scheme ever”. Initially I was unhappy with this characterization but the author continued “it’s the only one of those that allows you to get more than you put in – forever!” We are each an important part of the kingdom work, called, connected and blessed children of our Heavenly Father.
Loving Lord, we are amazed that You chose us to be part of Your plan. We choose You too, Lord! Help us to go in Your name as the peacemakers the world so desperately needs. Amen.