
Our scripture this morning is John 10:10-11 (NLT).

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep.

Jesus speaks to us of His mission and His love, while warning of the dangers we face here. In this chapter He uses an example that is familiar to His followers, that of the shepherd and the flock. While being compared to sheep is not a compliment, it is often sadly accurate for our human condition and behavior.

We are all vulnerable to the ways of the world. Very early in our history we were tempted to go our own way and did so, with disastrous consequences. However, God loved us too much to let us stray and made a way for us to be saved and reconnected to Him through Christ’s sacrifice for us.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, guarding and guiding us with the Holy Spirit, God’s presence within us. He wants us to follow Him and help assure all God’s children can experience the “rich and satisfying life” we are offered through repentance and faith. When we go to God seeking forgiveness He is always ready to make us part of His flock again.

Loving Lord, when our love failed, Yours never did. Forgive us and bless us to go in Your name to all the lost sheep of the world. Amen.

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