Our scripture this morning is Acts of the Apostles 20:24.
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
In Acts 20:16-38 Paul says goodbye to the leaders of the Ephesian church and leaves his work in their care. The Spirit has called him to Jerusalem and Paul knows his message and his presence are needed there. Just as Jesus went, Paul goes willingly even though there is danger from misguided religious leaders.
In this verse Paul gives his mission statement, saying his life only has value if it advances the kingdom of God. Even though he faces arrest and hardship, he understands the need to be “finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus”. True faith is best expressed when we rely on God and go to accomplish the difficult tasks.
Like Jesus and many early Christians, Paul was obedient unto death. He knew that going to Jerusalem would begin the final act of his ministry, but he saw and used the experience as an opportunity to witness for Jesus. May we live in God’s strength and go in His name as Jesus taught us.
Heavenly Father, we are frail on our own, but strong when we are together in You. Bless us to continue the work we have been given that everyone may know Your love. Amen.