
I’m having a minor back procedure today and I’d appreciate your prayers. I don’t know if I’ll be able to post tomorrow, so please bear with me and I’ll be back online as soon as I can.

Our scripture this morning is Psalms 59:16-17.

As for me, I will sing about your strength; I will praise your loyal love in the morning. For you are my refuge and my place of shelter when I face trouble. You are my source of strength! I will sing praises to you! For God is my refuge, the God who loves me.

David wrote many psalms expressing his love for God and thankfulness for His protection. While David had been chosen as the next king of Israel, his path wasn’t quick and easy. He faced the wrath of Saul, the current king, who was jealous of David’s popularity with the people and his close relationship with God.

Instead of going to God with his issues as David did, Saul sought to remove David from the equation. He thought that if David wasn’t stealing the spotlight, the people would turn to him again and God would restore their relationship. Unfortunately for Saul, God doesn’t work that way.

He didn’t understand that no one can come between God and us except US! God loves us each individually but we must accept that love and follow the path He has set for us. As David writes, He is “my refuge, the God who loves me”. When we turn to Him in faith, He can do amazing things in our lives.

Loving Lord, we are sorry for the times we have failed You. Please help us to see the blessings You offer us and use them for the good of all people. Amen.

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