Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment accompanied by a promise, namely, “that it may go well with you and that you will live a long time on the earth.”
Ephesians 6:1-3
Paul is writing to a diverse group in Ephesus, but he has one point that most all of them relate to: “honor your father and mother”. We were all children once and we depended on our parents and other adults to guide and provide for us. God’s plan is that the older generations look after the younger until they are mature, with the hope that as elders the next generations will care for them.
This also the model of our connection with God. Now certainly, God will never need our care when He is old, but He longs for the loving relationship for which He created us. When we return that love by caring for one another and honoring Him with our praise and worship, we fulfill our intended role as His children.
As the family of God we have the pleasure and duty to share His love with the world. God wants all His children to know Him as the loving Father. He stands ready to forgive us when we fall and restore us to our place in His plan of salvation.
Loving Lord, we regret the times we have rebelled and chosen our own way. Forgive us and send us into the world to reach everyone with the Good News. Amen.