
Our scripture this week is Matthew 11:2-11.

This is the one about whom it is written: “‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’
Matthew 11:10

Jesus acknowledges to those who follow Him the special status of John the Baptist. Jesus wants the crowd to know this not so much to give John recognition, but for them to see one who is living out God’s call on his life. John has been faithful all his life, and will continue “even unto death”, as Christ Himself will.

This double call, to obey what God asks us to do, as well as show people what God desires of us is the definition of a life in Christ. We can’t “be” Jesus but we can “be like” Jesus, sharing with others how He wants us to live together and grow together toward the ideal God has for us. When we give our hearts, minds and lives to Him, we become the people He intended us to be all along.

John came to point people to Jesus, to help us be ready for the message God sent through Him. We must continually make ourselves ready for what God gives us and asks of us. Preparing the way of the Lord means we must be prepared first.

Gracious God, we long to be the people You want us to be. Help us to grow in Your love to become those people, made whole by Your spirit and enabled to spread the Good News to all. Amen.

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