Our scripture this week is Luke 17:11-19.
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
Luke 17:17-19
Jesus had sent the ten lepers to see the priests before their healing had occurred, but when this man realized he had been healed, he turned back to give thanks for that gift. Jesus asks (rhetorically of course), where the other nine are, and points out the fact that the one who returned is a Samaritan. There is something for us to observe and learn here, or Jesus wouldn’t have called it to our attention.
The other nine were doing what Jesus told them, going to show themselves to the priests. However, obedience is only part of the equation. Jesus wants us to be obedient, but in that path lies a relationship with God that leads to our understanding of all He does for us and our natural reaction to that knowledge should be thanks and praise.
Sadly we don’t always obey, but when we do, are we being blindly obedient? Do we see the requirement and not the blessing? Jesus points out that this Samaritan, whom the crowd assumes has no relationship with God, is the only one who has honored that relationship by expressing thanks.
Gracious God, how often You have blessed us and we have not responded with our thanks. Forgive our lack of connection and vision, help us to see Your loving hand in our lives and be truly grateful. Amen.