
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Galatians 5:25-26

Once again Paul encourages us to follow the spirit, living out our faith and not the “human nature” of the flesh. He points out a common behavior we exhibit and warns against thinking too highly of ourselves, comparing and desiring what others may have. It is a call to turn from the worldly things that can lead us to evil.

The statement “it’s just human nature” is a poor excuse for our poor choices. The human nature we received from God at our birth was to be made in His image, having the breath of life breathed into us. We were not created as competitors with each other but as God’s beloved children to live together in love.

Think about the common heritage we have in our Lord, how we are all connected and in need of one another. Let the spirit guide you in your interactions today and always, showing the world our true human nature, the brothers and sisters of Christ.

Loving Lord, we often forget our identity in You, and treat each other as if we were not related. Help us to see the family resemblance and live according to Your love and teaching. Amen.

1 Comment

  1. I put sticky notes on my bathroom mirror. One for each fruit of the spirit. That way I see myself and I see those notes every morning. I can be reminded of staying connected to the spirit and what I want to be that day.

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