
Our scripture this week (Acts 16:9-15), has much to tell us about evangelism, our call to spread the Gospel. It also teaches about obedience, hospitality, and sharing our resources. That’s a lot of lessons in a short passage!

Paul had tried to take the message of Christ into far away places of his choosing, but the Holy Spirit led him to Philippi, the Roman colony where God wanted him to share the Word. Paul was obedient to God’s command, and found people who were open to the Good News, and an entire group was baptized in Christ’s name. They became the core for the church that would grow there.

Lydia, the leader of this group, was a wealthy business woman, but she cared for others and invited Paul and his friends to stay in her home while they were there. She showed the love of Jesus very soon after her baptism, welcoming strangers as He had, and providing support for their work in the city.

God calls us to share the love and lessons of Jesus, giving care to those in need and sharing the resources we have been given. By His grace we are blessed to bless others, to walk in His footsteps and continue the saving work He offers to all people.

Loving Lord, show us how we can be Your representatives here on earth. May the things we say and do be acceptable in Your sight and lead others to know You better. Amen.

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