Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
John 12:3
Jesus knew that His path led to Jerusalem and His death at the hands of the mob, but that didn’t deter Him from going. Only a few others had picked up on this fact; He had told them all that this was to happen but they didn’t understand or didn’t want to understand. However, Mary does and demonstrates her love and care for Jesus with a sacrifice of expensive perfume, and an act of service by wiping His feet with her hair.
How often are we like the others, either not understanding because we haven’t paid attention or not wanting to understand, ignoring the lesson we have been given? Jesus taught what is required of His followers – sacrifice and service to God and one another. We must be willing to give and love as Jesus did in order to be followers of The Way.
Loving Lord, we are sorry when we don’t understand due to our lack of attention or our lack of care. May we be aware of Your call to sacrifice and service in order to bring Your kingdom here on earth. Amen.