Whether you were raised in a church family and never missed a Sunday, or have never been to church and never had a relationship with Jesus, He is calling you. He wants to show you His love and asks you to share it with the whole world. That may sound like a big job – it is – but He stands ready to teach and guide us as we go.
Jesus is bigger than our fear of failure and rejection. He’s been there and understands why we worry about not being liked, not being accepted. He dealt with that the whole time He was here on earth, and to our shame, we are still rejecting Him, sometimes intentionally, sometimes in ways we fail to notice. When we shirk our responsibility to help because we are busy or tired or afraid, we reject Him. When we don’t listen to our brothers and sisters in love, trying to refute rather than understand, we reject Him. Jesus knows how we struggle, but He has placed a call on our lives that we can’t ignore, and He will be with us every step of the way to guide and support us. Jesus trusted us to carry on His mission here; we need to trust that He will provide for our efforts. He never promised it would be easy, in fact He said it would be difficult, but He had faith that we would follow Him, carrying our crosses just as He did.
Loving Lord, may we be energetic in our ministry, which is Your ministry to all people. Help us to see and hear those who are in need of Your love, and care for them as You have commanded.