Our scripture this morning is Luke 1:37-38.
“For the word of God will never fail.” Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.
This passage ends the story of The Annunciation, the angel Gabriel coming to tell Mary of the blessing of a son to be born. While this may not be a memory verse for many of us, it is vitally important to our faith. Not only does it bring the promise of salvation through Jesus, it gives us an example of how our relationship should work in just two statements: “For the word of God will never fail” and “I am the Lord’s servant.”
God’s word is the force behind all of creation and as we read in John 1, Jesus is the very word of God. While His crucifixion might be seen by some as a failure, His resurrection is the ultimate example of God’s power and love. We can see that the word of God will never fail.
Mary had a choice of course. God never forces us, He invites us. Her response is how we all can become part of God’s unfailing word – “I am the Lord’s servant.” By offering our repentance and accepting His forgiveness, we are empowered to go in His name to all the world.
Loving Lord, we are thankful for the blessing of our Savior and the opportunity to be part of Your work. Bless us to be energetic disciples, sharing Your love with everyone. Amen.